Use CloudCoin's Custodial SMS Wallet by Scanning this QR Code:

This is the easiest way to manage your coins. You can deposit, store, withdraw and send CloudCoins without needing to install software or create an account. Send CloudCoin to other people by using their phones numbers. However, be aware that this is a custoidal wallet and should be used only for small amounts of coins. Use the CloudCoin Desktop for top security.

You can also use our web-based Cloud Bank or through your Discord account.

How to use CloudCoin CloudBank via SMS

To try out the CloudBank and see how it works, you will need to have CloudCoins or have someone use the instructions to the right to send you some. You can buy $10 worth at

  1. Create a new contact on your cell phone called "CloudBank" with a telephone number of +1 (844) 927-1060 or scan the QR code above to make your phone insert the contact for you. You will need to switch your phone into camera mode. Then aim the camera at the QR code until your phone recognizes the code and gives you the option to import it.
  2. You can create an account for yourself automatically by simply texting the word Balance to your new CloudBank contact. This will create an account for you and tell you that your balance is zero.
  3. Deposit. To add money to your CloudBank by using SMS to text a "Safe Deposit Key" and depositing it. You can get a safe deposit box key from withdrawing coins from the CloudCoin Desktop or by other people. The command will be "Deposit X9U-BH3D" where X9U-BH3D is a sample safe deposit key that you must replace with your own. Keep in mind that the safe deposit codes are all capitals and a hyphen is needed.
  4. You can send your coins to other people using the Send command. "Send 40 18001234567" where 40 is the amount and 1800 is your phone number. Note that the country code is required as part of your number. When the money is sent to you, you will receive a message from the CloudBank telling you that you have received CloudCoins.(unless your block messges and don't have the CloudBank as a contact).
  5. Withdraw allows you to move coins from your account and into a locker. Withdraw returns the key to that locker so you can give it to others or move the coins to your desktop. e.g. "Withdraw 40" returns "Locker Code: ###-####".

WARNING: The SMS Phone Bank does not have Data Supremacy like CloudCoin or the RAIDA. It is possible for the server to go downa or even be hacked that would cause your coins to become unavailable or stolen.

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The globalization of businesses using distributed ledger technology is complex and costly. RAIDA uses more efficient technology instead of a public ledger which makes it easy in terms of scalability.

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